Aug 14, 2014

The Holy Land Mac 2014

experienced by ciksuehaoi™ at 07:03
On mac 2014,our family decided to peform umrah and Alhamdulillah praise to Allah,all went well. I’ve learned so many priceless things there.
Sometimes,Allah takes some things we love the most from us because He wants to give us another better things.Just keep believing that.
Allah withholds a portion of what is desired to keep you needy.
To keep you at His door.
To keep an empty place in your heart,that only He can fill.
The slave keeps begging what is desired not knowing His Lord preparing for him something better.
Ya Allah,please let go of my grudges.Let the bitterness of my life die today.
Make me move on and begin again.
New,this time.make me strong enough to never forget that what has passed me by was never meant to befall me.
Keep my heart focused on You,just You.
I hope I will keep remember that if I stumble down,that’s part of path.
Make me keep going,keep rising and refuse to give up.Heal me Ya Allah,heal me.

Each day,we remember you.
Each second,you were immensely missed.
May we be reunite again there,Mak Abid.
Last but not least,may you all visit Al-Haram once in your lifetime.Ameen.

picture taken after i've completed my first umrah just before the Jumuah prayer started.

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